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Chris Baker

The Veil Nebula from camera 3 wide field on the Hubble Space Telescope

This is available in all three sizes: 18", 32" and 48" widths. It comes in Acrylic, Aluminium and Framed Backlit all limited editions. (Framed Backlit is not available in the smallest size of 18" width)

The Hubble Space Telescope's Stunning Image of the Veil Nebula

The vast and intricate remnants of a supernova explosion have been beautifully captured by the Hubble Space Telescope in its breath-taking image of the Veil Nebula. This celestial wonder, located approximately 2,100 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus, is one of the best-known supernova remnants in our galaxy. Hubble's detailed view of the Veil Nebula provides a mesmerizing look into the aftermath of a massive star’s explosive death, revealing delicate, glowing filaments of ionized gas stretching across space like ethereal tendrils.

A Supernova’s Legacy

The Veil Nebula is a part of a much larger supernova remnant known as the Cygnus Loop, which spans about 110 light-years in diameter. Scientists estimate that the star that created the nebula exploded around 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. The shockwaves from this cataclysmic event continue to sweep through the surrounding interstellar medium, creating the intricate lacework of glowing gases seen in Hubble’s image.

Hubble’s Unparalleled Detail

The Hubble Space Telescope’s image of the Veil Nebula, captured using its Wide Field Camera 3, reveals intricate details of the nebula's structure that are not visible from Earth’s surface. The high-resolution image showcases the interplay of light and matter as ionized hydrogen, sulphur, and oxygen glow in vibrant hues of red, green, and blue. This remarkable colour palette helps astronomers analyse the composition and dynamics of the expanding gas clouds.

Scientific Significance

Hubble’s observations of the Veil Nebula provide crucial insights into the life cycle of stars and the process of cosmic recycling. The expelled material from the exploded star enriches the surrounding interstellar medium with heavy elements, which will one day contribute to the formation of new stars and planets. The nebula’s evolving structure also offers a natural laboratory for studying shockwave interactions and magnetic fields in space.

A Celestial Masterpiece

Beyond its scientific value, the Veil Nebula’s ethereal beauty has captivated astronomers and space enthusiasts alike. The intricate, web-like structures resemble delicate ribbons floating through the cosmos, making it a favourite subject for Astro photographers and artists. Hubble’s ability to capture such cosmic wonders with unparalleled clarity ensures that images like this continue to inspire curiosity and wonder about the universe.


The Hubble Space Telescope’s image of the Veil Nebula is a testament to the power of modern astronomy and the ongoing quest to explore the cosmos. As technology advances and future telescopes, such as the James Webb Space Telescope, continue to expand our view of the universe, we can look forward to even more awe-inspiring revelations from the depths of space. For now, Hubble’s breath-taking glimpse of the Veil Nebula serves as a reminder of the dynamic and ever-changing nature of our celestial surroundings.

See this in the SHOP

These Hubble Space Telescope images are produced by NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). The images are created, authored, and/or prepared for NASA under Contract NAS5-26555 and the Space Telescope Science Institute' (STScI). It is very much appreciated being able to use these spectacular images.



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